Businesses Should Try to Stay Positive – It’s Going to Get Better

Our world is facing a very serious challenge with the spread of the coronavirus, but there is hope on the horizon. Businesses have been greatly impacted as the economy has taken a hit. Grocery stores have been left with empty shelves while restaurants are like ghost towns.
As a business owner, you’re likely looking for ways to survive the wave that has Canadians shifting their budgets. If you’re following the constant news updates about the coronavirus, you’re likely wondering if we’ll ever be able to leave our homes again.
But this situation isn’t going to last forever. And your business isn’t closing. As one medical expert said on the news last night, “it’s going to get worse before it gets better.” But don’t overlook the end of that quote: It’s going to get better.
Want proof? Look no further than where the coronavirus started.
According to CNN, China is lifting travel restrictions and life is returning to normal. The coronavirus outbreak has largely been contained across China with lock downs lifted and employees returning to work. China reported only 20 new cases Sunday. That’s a huge contrast to February when China reported thousands of new infections a day.
Even better news came Thursday, when China marked a milestone. For the first time since December, China had no new domestic cases of coronavirus to report.
Canada is about six to eight weeks behind China in the spread of the virus. If the trend holds, Canada should also see a dramatic decrease in positive tests sometime around May maybe even late April .
This should only be a small interruption for your business. And when normalcy does return soon, you don’t want to be left behind your competitors in a race to regain any potential lost revenue.
At a time when much has come to a standstill, business owners need to keep pushing forward with the reality that they will need to be positioned for a strong financial second half of 2020 to meet their revenue goals.
What you don’t want to do now is come to a grinding halt with your digital marketing efforts, That would be a mistake and a complete waste of the time and resources you’ve already poured into your business to gain traction in a crowded online marketplace. You would lose ground to your competitors and put your business in a position to fail in the second half of 2020 when — by all indications — we will have moved past this unfortunate coronavirus outbreak.
If you have any reservations on how to market during these special times we understand and that is why we are available to discuss with you how to go about this.
Stay safe and we shall all make it through this soon enough
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