
June 11, 2022

Choosing the right web agency to create your company’s website is a task that must be given great importance. Indeed, this decision could have a great influence on the future of your company, because a well-designed digital strategy has the potential to make it grow very quickly.

To help you make the best possible choice, here are some tips that will help you choose the best web design agency for this task.


What is the best way to know if a web design agency in Montreal is able to design a website that meets your expectations and aligns with your tastes and goals? The answer is simple: take a look at the projects they have has done in the past. Do they pique your interest? A few examples of web pages can sometimes say a lot about the compatibility of a web agency’s style with yours.

For the sites that you like the most, push your investigation deeper into their portfolio. Don’t just visit the homepage. You want to see websites in action. Is there harmony between the different pages? Can you spot calls to action?

Your user experience should be enjoyable and you should be able to navigate the site instinctively.


Certainly, reviewing the web design agency’s portfolio is essential, but it’s even more important to look at what previous clients of the company have to say about them.

The reviews clients leave on sites like Google, and even Facebook can give you a good idea of ​​a web design agency’s demeanor, professionalism, and overall reliability. The ones that receive positive reviews should inspire confidence in you.

When a client has really enjoyed collaborating with an agency, he will not hesitate to recommend it. In this sense, you can even contact those companies that have taken the time to write a positive comment to obtain more information.


Although it is possible to do business with a web design agency located at the other end of the province, make sure that the one you choose has some experience working with companies in your area. This is important data, because the issues and interests of the public are very different from one place to another.

The socio-political context, cultural referents and lifestyles of a population are all aspects that, when known by an agency, allow it to create relevant content that will truly arouse people’s interest.


Digital marketing such as Social Media Marketing and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, SEO support have become such an important part of any digital strategy. As well as having a good sense of branding and design.

So compare agencies based on their expertise in these areas. Select the one that can not only create your website, but also ensure that it is visited by as many Internet users as possible.

Also, make sure the agency can support you beyond the site launch.


In light of these tips, you are now equipped to make an informed choice. However, if you do not know where to start your search we would be glad to offer any any advice or answer any questions you may have. Combining experience ( 20 years ) and multidisciplinary know-how, our team will be able to offer you a professional service at a competitive price.

Feel free to contact us for more information about our web design services.


January 19, 2022

You’ve heard it before.
“It’s no longer acceptable for small businesses to neglect activity on social media.”

But chances are, as a business owner with a vast array of responsibilities, writing Facebook posts and posting photos to Instagram isn’t high on your priority list. And that’s okay. It’s a full-time job. One of the biggest mistakes a business can make is to open all possible social media accounts and then forget to maintain an active presence. Without consistent engagement on social media, your customers are likely to become turned off by your business and move on to a more engaging competitor.

It might sound great to have an existing employee pitching in with social media efforts, But you’re better off hiring a social media expert to manage these tasks. If you and your employees don’t have any social media marketing experience, the time that you’re spending posting to these channels may be a waste of time and money. For starters you may be paying for ads that are improperly configured and not reaching the target audience thus rendering them a waste of your hard earned money. Also you may be doing damage to your business with unprofessional looking graphics and lastly you need to be running your business and this burden is taking you away from where you are most needed. 


Here are 5 reasons that will help you understand why and how social media management will increase the impact in your business.

Reason # 1: Grow Business
As a small business owner, you’re wearing many hats in the business. In between answering emails, phone calls and all the other tasks that are part of your job, you’re expected to magically squeeze in time to actually sit and work on social media content. Believe it or not, this problem can be solved. By hiring a social media manager, you will save so much time as they work behind the scenes creating beautifully branded content specific to your business needs.

People today are spending a lot of time on social networks, thus making them the perfect medium for driving traffic to your website and gaining clients. Social media campaigns, when done effectively with a goal in mind, can be used to drive traffic to your website and brick and mortar business. Campaign goals could include marketing objectives such as multiplying your audience, brand awareness, expanding reach, growing engagement, or informing your clients on your services. All this on a consistent basis and relatively affordable price point.

Reason # 2: Curate Content
There’s nothing worse than searching for a business on social media, only to find that their page hasn’t been updated in ages. A social media manager will obviously post consistently on each platform. They’ll also know what format and type of content will work best on each platform – instead of just posting the same post on each profile your business has regardless if it works or not.

The content created and adapted for social media is a crucial part of marketing. Using graphics, pictures and video for Facebook and Instagram, writing short and effective twitter posts, creating several iterations of post copy, or creating professional looking graphics are just some of the ways a social media manager makes impactful content appropriate for each network. When you pay for professionals to manage and make content, you are also paying for their graphics software, efficient social media management platforms, and creativity.

Reason # 3: Target Audience
A social media target audience is a group of people that you’ve identified that you want to appeal to. This can be based on demographics such as age, job title, income level, education, location, or behavior. Your social media target audience consists of the people who are most likely to be interested in your product.

A social media manager will be able to configure each post to reach your specific target audience thus using your hard earned money in the most cost efficient manner possible and minimize wasted funds with ineffective posts that are not reached the target audience. 

Reason # 4: Geo Localisation
Your business likely doesn’t have unlimited funds to spend on marketingIn the advent of geolocation features in social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, It is now easier and more affordable for small businesses to stay competitive and reach more efficiently more potential customers.

But these configurations have to be done by an expert or you will just be wasting funds on inefficient ads that are once again not reaching the desired audience. A professional social media manager will be able to do that and much more. 

Reason # 5: Analytics
A social media manager is familiar and knowledgeable about social media analytics and what they mean. They can analyze the results of your posts (what times to post, engagement, post reach etc.) Without analytics, we wouldn’t know if our marketing strategy is working or not, which leads to a huge waste of time and more importantly your hard earned money.

Knowing how to interpret the numbers is just part of the job of being a social media manager. As well as knowing what to do with them going forward. For example managing the ad budget according to these numbers or how to tweak a campaign to get better results. This comes with experience and well as intuition. 

Social media is now more than ever a necessary part of any business strategy that can facilitate meaningful connections with consumers. With changes in trends and technology, Social media managers with know-how and experience are key to exercising effective social media engagement and management.

At RSMEDIA we quite often even work as a team, pairing up with colleagues so as to ensure maximum results for your business. If you are interested in knowing more about our social media marketing services give us a shout and it will be our pleasure to chat with you.


September 24, 2020

With a second wave of this pandemic looming, And the soon to be stay-at-home orders around the country. COVID-19 is teaching us some hard lessons, and the businesses that learn quickly are those that’ll stay afloat. These measures are quickly transforming our cities into eerie ghost towns. Recently the government had shut down most nonessential businesses, and the few left operating had to survive with little-to-no foot traffic. Now with a second wave on the horizon, will your business resist?

While your business might have been the go-to choice for many of your clients before, it now needs to adapt to the impacts of the coronavirus. Now, small businesses must compete for sales in a completely new environment: the digital world.

In the digital landscape, your business can thrive amidst social distancing orders and mandatory store closures. An online presence empowers you to engage customers, make revenue, keep workers employed, and ultimately keep your business alive – pandemic or no pandemic.

An online presence is no longer a nice-to-have. It’s a need-to-have.

Businesses who had an online presence before COVID-19 already had an astronomic advantage. Because while your storefront may have been complete with a wonderful display of your products and the friendliest of staff, that didn’t really do you any good if you were closed. This is where the importance of having a quality website comes into play. The beauty and presentation of your storefront needs to be translated into a website that represents the style and values of your brand. Additionally, just like how customer service is a top business priority, a proper professional website is intrinsic to the experience of your browsers. Most importantly, you want to take advantage of any sale you can get. Showing your customers that despite our global state you’re still operating business as usual on your website with another way to secure a purchase. And in a world with ample competition, you’ll want to take advantage of every opportunity you get, because if you’re not online to grab that sale, your competitors most definitely are.

This might be the perfect time to begin with e-commerce for your business.

COVID-19 proves that every business needs an online presence. Whether you like it or not, the world (even without the coronavirus) was already becoming more connected digitally than it was physically. A digital presence is essential to staying relevant and connected to your customers even if you don’t sell goods online. You will need to future-proof your business by establishing yourself online. It will not only help you through this pandemic, but it’ll also forever improve the way you engage with your customers in real-life and digitally. Even if COVID-19 hasn’t affected your brick and mortar business personally, it will in the future as its drastic effect on consumerism continues to heavily favor the rapidly expanding platform of online businesses.

There is no need to become another sad statistic of yet another closed business. We understand that businesses are trying to navigate through a very tricky time and we want to help.

We are there to help you every step of the way both:

Financially: We offer the option of paying in several payments with no interest.

Technically: We stay on to help for as long as you need us. You are never left alone and have our support and expertise when you most need it.

If you have any questions about how RSMEDIA can help your business,
please contact us online or call us at 514-258-5112.

Give us a shout before it’s too late… – We’re happy to talk to you !


July 13, 2020
According to Research, 59% of adults age 65 and older are online, and 46% of those adults are using social media.

Despite the myth that older people can’t manage technology because of cognitive deficits, seniors are flocking to social media at a rapid pace. In fact, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ (and Hangouts), Pinterest, and Instagram all note higher adoption rates among adults 65 and older ─ and see seniors as their fastest growing audience.

Seniors Benefit Socially, Mentally, and Physically

Older adults who have had positive experiences on social media have reported elevated moods. An American Psychological Association (APA) study found that seniors who spend time on social media sites were more likely to participate in activities that can lead to greater health, such as cooking healthier recipes, and finding easier ways to clean and maintain their homes. The study also indicates that they have lower blood pressure and fewer instances of diabetes, and less negative health habits such as smoking, depression, or disease. This is attributed to the ability for self-education on any number of topics, and remaining in-the-know about the latest technology trends.

Social Media Keeps the Family Together

Facebook is particularly useful for linking up with loved ones. It makes for more frequent conversations and helps close the generation gap. Sharing current photos allows seniors to see their grandchildren change and grow, and creates a closeness and involvement that may not have existed, especially if the family isn’t living close by. Video chats also are a great way to communicate in “real time”. There is also the opportunity to relive fond memories or create new ones through postings of photos and home videos.

Family Peace of Mind

When a family lives apart, there can be stress and anxiety on both ends. Social media allows seniors and their families an easy way to check in as often as they wish. This is especially important if the senior is living alone and may experience ill health, a fall, or may not be eating or sleeping well, taking medications, or getting any form of exercise. Family caregivers can use social media to ask critical questions that will let them know what’s occurring in their loved one’s life.

Community Engagement and a Sense of Belonging

Feeling connected is very important to any senior’s wellbeing. Social media allows the senior to make plans with others to meet up outside of the home. It also allows seniors who are unable to leave home to socialize online to combat loneliness.

Shopping Online offers Convenience and Savings

Even if a senior can’t venture out of the home – due to physical limitations, inability to drive, or inclement weather, for example – he or she can always shop online and enjoy the ease of home delivery. In addition, there are lots of money-saving coupons and online sales, which can be especially convenient and sensible for those who are penny-pinchers or on a fixed income.

Some Precautions Should Be Taken

As a caregiver, you may want to monitor the senior’s activities. You may want to make sure that the loved one is not falling for phishing scams and the like. You may also want to make sure they are connecting with trustworthy people – especially if they are conversing in chat rooms and through blogs. Also watch their monetary spending – you don’t want your senior overspending on items they don’t need.


May 13, 2020

If you are looking for pre-made face masks in the stores, you’re probably having a hard time finding them. So why not make them at home? Making your own face mask will save you money and it can be washed to be re-used, thus reducing waste. Download this template for instructions on how to create a protective mask from an old t-shirt, and a cutout to guide you through the process. No sewing is required! This is a facial mask model that anyone with a pair of scissors can make.

Keep yourself, your family and those around you safe while we go through this COVID-19 together.

This downloadable template includes instructions and steps for making your own face mask out of an old t-shirt, plus a cutout to guide you through it.