Why you don’t need an App

Almost each new web design customer we get is requesting that we make them an application. Applications are extremely popular nowadays, and that has never been more clear than when we converse with our customers about their online needs. They’ve heard they’re the heavenly chalice of marketing, however they don’t really know without a doubt. (In spite of the fact that it’s unmistakable from the application designer’s rates that they believe it’s a gift from the gods.) And something in your gut is telling you that applications, as with most supposed blessed chalices usually are more of a scam than a gift from the gods. But numerous entrepreneurs don’t have that sense. They feel they need to ride the wave – despite the fact that they don’t completely comprehend it. They see applications as a brilliant ticket for remaining ahead of their competition populated by tech-fixated, millennials. What they don’t know is that the majority of those tech-fixated millennials download zero applications for every month. More on that later…
So what is an application?
I asked Google “what is an application?” and this is what I got back:
“An independent program or bit of programming intended to satisfy a specific reason; an application, particularly as downloaded by a client to a cell phone.”
The key words here are ” to satisfy a specific reason”. An application lives or bites the dust by its raison d’etre. You could say the same of a site, yet when all is said in done, a site exists to satisfy an alternate reason.
An application needs to accomplish a reason that a site can’t accomplish. What’s more, there are truly just two situations when an application can do that.
The 2 reasons you may require an application
There are two noteworthy criteria that legitimize putting resources into an application. You have to meet no less than one for the application to have any level of significance or attractive quality, and they both rely on “raison d’etre”.
1. The organization requiring the application has impressive brand acknowledgment and power.
The main cardinal sin of application creation is making an application that for the most part just copies the organization site in an application . What’s the point? Keep in mind how we said that applications and sites fill diverse needs? On the off chance that individuals need to find out about Dr. Pepper, they’ll discover Dr. Pepper’s site in their cell phone’s browser, not download an application. Somebody who’s simply inquiring about a brand doesn’t need their application. They need to find out about the brand to start with, then, perhaps, they’ll choose if they want to get the application.
2. The organization’s purpose is the application
Like for example: Snapchat’s key purpose (sending and accepting vanishing photographs and videos) only works with their application. An application is the perfect stage for Snapchat in light of the fact that the application is truly their whole business. It bodes well as a portable application since it exploits main components of a telephone: a camera with video capacities, in addition to fast accessibility.
This is maybe the best case of how application focused organizations can be fruitful. The application not just has a reason, it is the motivation behind the business. Have you ever been to Snapchat’s site? Neither have we because it’s only purpose is to inspire individuals to download the application.
Why an application is quite often the wrong choice
Over and over again, entrepreneurs praise the achievements of Snapchat and Uber as a validation that, “Applications are in. We ought to get one.”
Alright, – however but just if your business plan fits one or (in a perfect world) both of the criteria above.
Most cell phone clients just utilize 6-10 applications for every week. Factually, yours would presumably not be one of them. If you look at the big brand apps on your phone they have a specific usefulness these aren’t portable adaptations of sites. In the event that an entrepreneur thinks their application has the chance to break into the main 6-10 applications of a normal client, then perhaps it has a huge amount of potential. If not, they should put their resources into responsive website.
No one downloads applications! Okay, so perhaps no one is an embellishment, yet not by much. Truth be told, most cell phone clients download 0 applications for every month. Also, regardless of the possibility that individuals do go so far as to download your application, it’s improbable that they’ll continue utilizing it. How could that be? All things considered, individuals are usually entirely satisfied with regards to the applications they require. For another application to see day by day usage they’ll have to develop/find new needs that aren’t as of now met (as Snapchat was able to do).
Why responsive websites are a better solution.
You’ve likely heard a customer say this some time recently:
“I require an application so my customers can discover my site and purchase my items from their mobile phones.”
We realize that what the customer is searching for here is a responsive site. They simply don’t realize it. As web designers one aspect of our responsibilities is to help our customers find out about their alternatives, and what is the right answers for their issues. Individuals search for services on their phone’s web browsers, not the App Store.
A few days ago, I came to the conclusion I required a new hair style. I needed to switch things up and search for another hair-styling salon, in light of the fact that the one I regularly go to is overrated. So I opened up the App Store on my iPhone, wrote in “Hairstylists in Montreal” and got an awesome rundown of shops close to me. I wound up having an incredible hairstyle and have now found my new hairstylist.
Obviously i’m joking. That could never happen.
This might be clear to us as a digital marketing company, however it may not be so to the overall population. The App Store is just not a web index for businesses who provide services. Individuals searching for new applications go to the App Store. Individuals searching for another hair stylist will use Google. Dismissing a responsive site for an application throws away all the factors that guarantee an organization gets discovered on the web.
Applications are incredible, and they will keep on driving income for the organizations whose key business model rotates around them. For the remaining businesses, they’re of no consequence to the achievement of success. Users have unmistakably demonstrated that they’re simply unadventurous with regards to downloading things on their telephone. Also, they’re even less daring with regards to utilizing or keeping what they downloaded.
A decent application fills a particular need, offers key usefulness, and is generally connected to a big brand.
Responsive websites are the best way to present your customers with an amazing experience over all platforms and is significantly more powerful than applications with regards to getting found. Not to mention at literally a fraction of the cost and in today’s business world that’s what counts.