RSMEDIA has another heavyweight client under its belt

RSMEDIA has another heavyweight client under its belt and is thrilled to have partnered up with MMA heavyweight fighter Adam Dyczka! Currently undefeated in 6 KO fights, positioned 1st in Québec, ranked 2nd in Canada and is now scheduled to fight at the Bell Center, December 8th, 2017 in order to be the next MMA heavyweight fighter to hold the championship belt. RSMEDIA will be there December 8th to show our support and we are proud to announce the launch of Adam’s new website We are ecstatic that Adam has chosen RSMEDIA to design him a logo, video and website. It was a pleasure working with him and his team and deliver a knockout website that reflects his career and journey to get to where he is today. We wish Adam the best of luck in all his upcoming fights!