It’s unthinkable to be in business in 2017 without a website

Why every business without a website is losing out!
How many times have you driven by a business that peaked your curiosity and told yourself that when you got back home, (cause you couldn’t while driving obviously) you would look them up online to and find out more and see what they were all about . Only to find out that they have NO website!! There is a default Google maps listing for their business but no other information can be found. You suddenly become disinterested and move on to another similar business that showed up in your Google search results that does have a website and has all the information you were looking for. We know the rest of the story… A business who doesn’t have a web site in our day in age, just doesn’t inspire confidence to potential clients. Most people like to do their research before calling a company or before walking into a business in order to save time and be more efficient. Nothing is more frustrating than driving to a place of business whether it’s close by or far away or hopping on a bus or metro, and realizing it’s not what you thought it was at all! Instead if they had a web site, you would’ve immediately come to the conclusion weather or not this particular business was worth visiting or not and had what you were looking for. It’s simply a waste of your time to blindly show up at such a business.
Needless to say, every business, big or small, needs a website and here’s why:
Having a brick and mortar is just not enough anymore. We live in a fast paced virtual world and most people will do their research and compare you with other businesses before they decide to do business with you. By having a website, people can find out more about you, what you do and why you are a better choice and then make their own assessment versus your competitor without even stepping foot once in your place. Your website is a client’s first impression of your business and it’s an opportunity to present your business in a positive light. Clients appreciate the fact that you made the effort to get a website done to help them get the most information possible about you. This gives you credibility and builds trust with your customers.
Stand out from your competition
If your business doesn’t have a professional online presence, you’re already a step behind ! Putting yourself out there on the web with a professionally designed website along with a strategic presence on social media is what’s going to put you ahead of the game from your competition who may or may not have an online presence. Regardless, you’ll be competing in a market that’s already underway and building your brand online. Creating interesting and informative content to keep your target audience coming back for more makes you look professional and make you stand out from the rest.
Attract new clients
Walk-ins are great, but having your own website and social media presence allows you to reach a lot more people that do not know that you even exist. How many times have you heard your friends and family talk about an amazing product or business and just tell you to go visit the website to check it out! Having an online presence adds value to your business and helps builds relationships with customers. Your website is your central hub for you business. Via your website you can send them monthly newsletters to stay in touch informing them of sales and new products thus drawing them repeatedly to your business. Therefore not to your competitor… Remember a website works for you 24/7! And a happy customer is a repeat customer.
Whether you want more customers or more sales, having a website is a great way to expand your business and for customers to learn more about you and your business. I hope these reasons on why you need a website, can inspire you to consider creating one today.
Unless you don’t need new clients or more sales, It is unthinkable to be in business in 2017 and function without a website. If you have no presence on the internet you can rest assured your competitors thank you !