
December 12, 2013

Even just ten years ago, businesses revolved around the phone book. Companies were named based on the phone book like for example AAA Remodeling, the ads were purchased in the phone book and it was one of the only references for customers to find businesses. Today, websites accomplish everything the phone book did and more...


December 12, 2013

Having been involved in graphic and web design for over a decade now I can assure you the business card is still a much needed asset. However the self promotion and marketing of a company has gone well beyond just meeting someone and giving them your card,


November 10, 2013

The word “responsive” refers to how you will be able to view a website when you are browsing from a laptop, computer, tablet or smart phone. Of course, when you access a page from your laptop, due to the wide screen you will be able to see the whole website without too much up and down scrolling….


November 2, 2013

Adobe’s announcement that it will discontinue support for the Flash Player on mobile devices and instead focus its efforts on other web development programs that focus on cross platform applications is a positive move for them, But unfortunately, it may be a case of too little, too late.


August 11, 2013

In today’s world, for a company to survive, it has to make its presence felt in the online market. This is crucial for a company’s growth and sustenance and also to keep away competition. The conveniences of online purchase are attracting more number of people to resort to online buying of services and products.