How Responsive Web Design is Beneficial

First of all let us define what Responsive Web Design actually means. The word “responsive” refers to how you will be able to view a website when you are browsing from a laptop, computer, tablet or smart phone. Of course, when you access a page from your laptop, due to the wide screen you will be able to see the whole website without too much up and down scrolling….
However, when you are using a tablet or Smartphone, you will notice that in order to view a webpage, you will have to do a lot of scrolling and zooming, so you can view what interests you the most. This problem however, is ancient history, since the Responsive Web Design came into the picture not long ago, it simply revolutionized how people get to view their favorite web pages without the extra trouble of always scrolling. So, basically when for instance you want to view a certain web page that owns the “responsive” feature, the page itself will fit your screen perfectly without having to zoom in or out.
So far, this feature seems like a very good idea, especially for small businesses, since at least in America 45% of the people own a smart phone and the number is still growing. Now, there are a lot of opinions on this subject, but most designers seem to think it is an ingenious idea.
As a conclusion, responsive web design will prove to be a good practical asset for your website.
So, is Responsive Web Design Beneficial for Small Businesses? Yes it is.