Say Goodbye to your Phonebook

Back in the day…
Even just ten years ago, businesses revolved around the phone book. Companies were named based on the phone book like for example AAA Remodeling, the ads were purchased in the phone book and it was one of the only references for customers to find businesses. Today, websites accomplish everything the phone book did and more. People can find countless businesses by simply searching Google, Yahoo or other search engines. You can find a business’ contact information from your iPhone. You can even buy products while in your pajamas. The internet has changed business for the better.
Here and Now !
Today’s customers are thrifty and find businesses by hitting the net. Sometimes weeks before their purchase, they’re surfing the web to find exactly what they want. They even access the net on the go through their mobile deviceswhich puts even more importance on the internet and e-commerce. It doesn’t matter if you sell homes or accounting; there are customers actively looking for someone in your field. The question is, are they going to find you or your competition? Once a customer finds your page, you’re being interviewed. Most people today are web-savvy and they know when they’ve found a company that they know and or trust. That’s not by accident. Hundreds of hours go into making a website and every picture, every paragraph exists to tell your story better than the next company… That begs the Question: Who’s writing your story? If you have no presence on the internet you can rest assured your competitors thank you !
A website can help one’s business reach out to millions of potential customers around the world. Since one of the largest expenses of any small business is marketing therefore the most practical and cost effective method of promoting a small business is through a website. If a firm has a professional and well designed website, it can greatly increase a customers confidence in the firm. A good website design reflects the progressiveness and customer focused attitude of the firm.
A website works for you 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year !
At RSMEDIA we firmly believe that if you don’t change with the times, you WILL be left behind.