

Write what you Know.”

Mark Twain

What can a social media manager do for your business?

You’ve heard it before. “It’s no longer acceptable for small businesses to neglect activity on social media.” But chances are, as a business owner with a vast array of responsibilities, writing Facebook posts and posting photos to Instagram isn’t high on your priority list. And that’s okay. It’s a full-time job. One of the biggest mistakes a business can make is to open all possible social media accounts and then forget to maintain an active presence. Without consistent engagement on social media, your customers are likely to become turned off by your business and move on to a more engaging …
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THE FUTURE IS ONLINE… This Pandemic Proves Why Every Business Needs a Website

. With a second wave of this pandemic looming, And the soon to be stay-at-home orders around the country. COVID-19 is teaching us some hard lessons, and the businesses that learn quickly are those that’ll stay afloat. These measures are quickly transforming our cities into eerie ghost towns. Recently the government had shut down most nonessential businesses, and the few left operating had to survive with little-to-no foot traffic. Now with a second wave on the horizon, will your business resist? While your business might have been the go-to choice for many of your clients before, it now needs to …
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Seniors and the Positive Impact of Social Media

According to Research, 59% of adults age 65 and older are online, and 46% of those adults are using social media. Despite the myth that older people can’t manage technology because of cognitive deficits, seniors are flocking to social media at a rapid pace. In fact, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ (and Hangouts), Pinterest, and Instagram all note higher adoption rates among adults 65 and older ─ and see seniors as their fastest growing audience. Seniors Benefit Socially, Mentally, and Physically Older adults who have had positive experiences on social media have reported elevated moods. An American Psychological Association (APA) study found …
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If you are looking for pre-made face masks in the stores, you’re probably having a hard time finding them. So why not make them at home? Making your own face mask will save you money and it can be washed to be re-used, thus reducing waste. Download this template for instructions on how to create a protective mask from an old t-shirt, and a cutout to guide you through the process. No sewing is required! This is a facial mask model that anyone with a pair of scissors can make. Keep yourself, your family and those around you safe while …
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8 Digital Marketing Tips to Reach your Clients During the Coronavirus

As government and public health officials take aggressive action to slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, nearly every individual and organization now feels the impact. The coronavirus pandemic indicates a need for a big shift toward how people accomplish daily activities and do business. That “shift” has been the online world. Never before has online marketing been so important to businesses. And while marketing budgets may appear to be an easy target for businesses looking to make budget cuts. A cut in marketing activity is a short term fix that is sure to have long term consequences. Maintaining visibility …
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